For data analysts and data scientists who have transitioned from R to Python, one of the most noticeable differences lies in the way these languages handle DataFrame operations. R users, especially those familiar with the dplyr package, often find themselves missing the simplicity and intuitiveness of R’s select function when they switch to Python’s pandas. This article explores why Python lacks a direct equivalent of R’s select function, the limitations of using the available alternatives, and how a custom select method can make the transition smoother while enhancing the efficiency of pandas method chaining.

In R, the select function is part of the dplyr package, which is a powerful tool for data manipulation. select allows users to effortlessly choose specific columns from a DataFrame using syntax that is both clean and intuitive. For example:

R’s select: Intuitive and Chain-Friendly


# Sample DataFrame in R
df <- data.frame(A = 1:3, B = 4:6, C = 7:9, D = 10:12)

# Select columns A and C
result <- df %>% select(A, C)

One of the key strengths of select in R is its seamless integration with method chaining using the %>% operator. This approach enables users to perform multiple operations on a DataFrame in a clear, linear fashion, improving code readability and reducing errors.

The Python Alternative: filter or loc

In Python’s pandas, the closest equivalent to select is often using the filter method or directly accessing columns with .loc. If you are wondering why I am talking about using filter or loc when columns can directly be selected by passing them as a list then I have probably not made the context very clear. The key here is to use a method that can be chained and we can not simply pass a list of columns to method chain. It only works standalone as df[[‘a’,‘b’]] etc.

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame in Python
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'A': [1, 2, 3],
    'B': [4, 5, 6],
    'C': [7, 8, 9],
    'D': [10, 11, 12]

# Select columns A and C using filter
result = df.filter(['A', 'C'])

While this works, there are significant drawbacks:

  • Semantic Confusion: The term filter naturally suggests filtering rows, not columns. This can be misleading, especially for beginners or those transitioning from R.
  • Limited Flexibility: The filter method in pandas is not as versatile as R’s select. For example, it doesn’t natively support selecting columns by both names and patterns in a single call.
  • Chaining Complexity: Using filter or .loc within a chain of pandas operations can make the code more cumbersome and harder to read. Unlike R’s select, these alternatives often require additional steps or parentheses, which disrupt the flow of method chaining.

Closing the Gap: A Custom select Method in Python

To bridge this gap, we propose a custom select method for pandas. This method offers the same intuitive column selection that R users love, with the added flexibility of handling both column lists and regex patterns. Moreover, it seamlessly integrates into pandas method chaining, just like select does in R’s %>% chains.

Here’s how it works:

import pandas as pd

def select(self, cols_or_regex=None):
    Select columns based on a list of column names, a regex pattern, or a tuple of both.
    self (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame from which to select columns.
    cols_or_regex (list, str, or tuple): 
        - List of column names
        - Regex pattern
        - Tuple containing a list of column names and a regex pattern
    pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame with the selected columns.
    if isinstance(cols_or_regex, tuple):
        if len(cols_or_regex) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Tuple must contain exactly two elements: a list of columns and a regex pattern")
        cols, regex = cols_or_regex
        if not isinstance(cols, list) or not isinstance(regex, str):
            raise TypeError("First element of tuple must be a list, and the second element must be a string (regex pattern)")
        # Select columns based on the list and regex independently
        selected_cols = list(set(cols + self.filter(regex=regex).columns.tolist()))
        return self[selected_cols]
    elif isinstance(cols_or_regex, list):
        missing_cols = [col for col in cols_or_regex if col not in self.columns]
        if missing_cols:
            raise KeyError(f"Columns not found in the DataFrame: {missing_cols}")
        return self[cols_or_regex]
    elif isinstance(cols_or_regex, str):
        return self.filter(regex=cols_or_regex)
        raise TypeError("cols_or_regex must be a list, a string, or a tuple of (list, str)")

# Add the method to the DataFrame class = select

Seamless Method Chaining with select

One of the greatest advantages of this custom select method is how seamlessly it integrates into pandas method chaining. In Python, pandas chains typically use the . operator, and with the custom select method, you can achieve a smooth, readable flow similar to R’s %>%. Here’s an example:

result1 = (
    .select(['A', 'B']) #select using list
result2 = (
    .select('A|C') #selec using regex
result3 = (
    .select((['A', 'B'], '^C|D')) # (list, regex) select using combinaion of list or regex

Each select call within the chain is clear and concise, making the code easier to read and maintain. This approach also eliminates the need for additional steps or parentheses that are often required when using .loc or filter, thus preserving the natural flow of operations.

Why select is better than filter and .loc?

  • Intuitive Naming: select clearly conveys the intention of selecting columns, unlike filter, which is more commonly associated with filtering rows.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: The custom select method allows for selecting columns by name, regex, or a combination of both, providing greater versatility compared to filter or .loc.
  • Improved Readability: When used in method chaining, select maintains the linear, readable style that is one of R’s key strengths with %>%. This makes the code more intuitive and easier to debug.
  • Consistent with R: For users transitioning from R to Python, the custom select method offers a familiar syntax and experience, reducing the learning curve and increasing productivity.


Python’s pandas is a powerful library, but certain conveniences like the select function in R can feel missing. By introducing a custom select method, we not only close the gap between R and Python but also enhance the efficiency of pandas method chaining. This method allows Python users to write cleaner, more intuitive code, similar to the experience they would have with R’s select in the %>% pipeline.

Incorporating this custom method into your Python toolkit can significantly improve your workflow, making pandas even more accessible and user-friendly for data manipulation tasks. By adopting such enhancements, Python continues to grow as a versatile and powerful language for data analysis, appealing to a broader range of users, including those coming from R.

Additional note: pytae

I have added this ‘select’ method in my package pytae. It is built on top of pandas and is available through pip. The goal of ‘pytae’ is to intuitively enhance some of the most used methods to cover majority of use cases. For the rest there is pandas of course.

If you like you are welcome to use it, enhance it, copy it or distribute it in any manner you want.

#sample usage

import numpy as np
import pytae

df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4),
                  columns=['A', 'B_X', 'B', 'C'])

print('original df')

print('\nselect using a list')

print('\nselect using a regex')

print('\nselect using a tuple of list and  regex')
original df
   A  B_X   B   C
0  0    1   2   3
1  4    5   6   7
2  8    9  10  11

select using a list
   A  B_X
0  0    1
1  4    5
2  8    9

select using a regex
   B_X   B   C
0    1   2   3
1    5   6   7
2    9  10  11

select using a tuple of list and  regex
    B  B_X  A
0   2    1  0
1   6    5  4
2  10    9  8